Jim Cogswell: Cosmogonic Tattoos

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Connector Bottom

Connector bottom

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Connector bottom x
Connector bottom, installation photo

The connector space has become inundated below the mullion. A rippling pattern of water from a Theban vase fills the windows. A procession of figures marches upside down under the mullion, below sea level, under the threshold of consciousness. Floating jars, pitchers, and vases have sprouted fins. Giant hands have sunk to the seabed. Others, like crabs, emerge from barnacled amphora among a scattering of cracked Mesopotamian heads, like bivalves on the floor filtering the debris.

A tablet at the bottom of the sea announces the title of the installation in letters borrowed from the memorial tablets inside. Cosmogonic Tattoos, in the deep ocean of time, in the ebb and flow across the divide between the present and the past, the briefly living and the long dead; somewhere in the gap between the experienced and the understood.

Ink drawing