After drawing them, I can call each of the objects I examine to mind. Their shape, color, size, and accumulation of detail are now part of my visual memory bank. In that impalpable, unstable mental space they become subject to further distortion, decay, and hybridization...
Walnut ink, sumi ink, and inkjet print on paper 2016-2017
After drawing them, I can call each of the objects I examine to mind. Their shape, color, size, and accumulation of detail are now part of my visual memory bank. In that impalpable, unstable mental space they become subject to further distortion, decay, and hybridization. In recollection I sequence them differently, in variable combinations, finding similarities and differences in response to unpredictable stimuli. Curators narrate these objects through a given set of organizational strategies. I narrate them through another, using reorganization as a tool for opening their fragmentary narratives to the imaginations of viewers.
Walnut ink, sumi ink, and inkjet print on paper 2016-2017