Private Letters from the Archive of Claudius TiberianusPrivate Letter Tabetheus to Claudius Tiberianus, her brother, very many greetings. When I learned that you had come to Alexandria, I was very happy together with my entire family, and do you write to me in reply that you are coming to us immediately, since your son... waited for you during your absence until today. And to the present moment we wait for you daily together with the children. Therefore, I ask you to come to us immediately; we will make obeisance to you together with the children if you come up.... your daughter Segathis serves me; she is prudent and...capable. She sent your son Isidoros to you so that he might take to you your belts in the company of soldiers, because she remains in attendance on me lest the flood come in the river with great violence, since I am not able to leave the house on account of.... Isidoros and Segathis salute you, and we salute... the children. I received a letter from Claudius, your son, from which I learned that as soon as you come to me you will take me to Alexandria along with Segathis.... to the present moment you have not yet been willing to come.