historic textiles from Karanis
texts about textiles
Texts from Karanis
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Cloth Goods
Private Archive
Other Texts

Other Texts about Cloth Goods

1. Private Letter
P. Mich. Inv. 1363
Perhaps from Philadelphia in Egypt

In this letter, Heliodora complains to her mother about her daughter’s theft of clothes, jewelry, and money. The letter was written in Greek in the late 3rd century A.D.

Heliodora to my mother, many greetings.

Many troubles have been inflicted upon me by my daughter She stripped me of everything and took away my gold ornaments and my earrings and gave me ... a used tunic ...

Do not send any sackcloth. What I have here is enough for me

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2. Receipt for Garments
P. Mich. Inv. 1050
Origin unknown

This receipt lists garments and various other cloth items to be given to Theodosios in Zenon’s name. This receipt was written in Greek in the 5th or 6th century A.D.

A linen variegated tunic, 1, one;
cloaks made in the Antiochian style, 5, in total, five;
similarly, an Antioch hood, 1, in total, one;
combed linen variegated tunic, 1, in total, one;
wrapping cloths, 3, three;
a shirt and a cloak;
a light green upper garment, 1, one;
embroidered panels, 4, in total, four;
a fine linen cloth, 1 in total, one

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