Private Letters from the Archive of Claudius TiberianusPrivate Letter Claudius Terentianus to Claudius Tiberianus, his father, very many greetings. My mother salutes you and asks you to buy for her, if it can be done, some merchandise. She has seen Germanus's freedwoman... a linen garment and she wants that.... See if you are able to find one at a reasonable price. The mattresses that I brought for her.... Do it then if you can... and send me a reply. For she said that she wants it, for she... buckets and... and that you send her.... I say to her, I should not like to go looking for them, but I can write a letter for you and he will send them to you if he finds them. Therefore, buy them at a reasonable price, I beg you, so that you may satisfy her.... For we hold you in affection after god, as you hold us. Salute those who love us. Farewell. (Address) To Claudius Tiberianus, speculator.