
The blue glass bead necklace found with the girl is quite similar to the bracelet in that such things would commonly be worn by women belonging neither to the highest, nor to the lowest, social and economic class. Such adornment would be worn in the course of their everyday life. The colorful beads at its middle (including reds and golds) stand out, relieving some of the plainness of the rest of the blue necklace. Like the bracelet in the grave, it is made of glass and involves the use of no unusual or particularly expensive materials, such as precious metals.

KM 93375: Necklace
Terenouthis, Egypt

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**Please note: this "assemblage" was created solely for educational purposes. While all of the objects discussed here were excavated at the site of Terenouthis, it must be emphasized that they were not found in a single tomb. A full explanation of this class project is found on the introductory page for this website.

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