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In 1880 Francis W. Kelsey joined the faculty of Lake Forest University. At Lake Forest he met the woman who in 1886 became his wife. Mary Isabelle Badger entered Lake Forest a year after Francis at the age of 19. Deeply interested in classical antiquity and contemporary human rights, as articles written by her in the Lake Forest University Review show, she was naturally drawn to Francis, and he to her. She was his champion the whole of his life.
Francis Kelsey and Mary Isabelle Badger married on December 22, 1886, in Niles, Michigan. There were three children: Ruth Cornelia (b. 1894), Charlotte Badger (b. 1897), and Easton Trowbridge (b. 1904). Ruth and Charlotte graduated from Michigan in 1918. Ruth went to Santa Fe for further study and in 1920 married Fred C. Diel. After graduation Charlotte entered government service and in 1921 married Frank J. Hubley. Easton attended Michigan Law School, then entered the U.S. Foreign Service. He married Vida Kennedy McClure in 1930.
Kelsey liked to work in his garden before breakfast in his old clothes. More opportunities for gardening arose when in 1907 the family bought a cottage at Lake Cavanaugh, about 15 miles west of Ann Arbor. Kelsey particularly relished country life, walking, planting trees and bushes, picking fruit, and rowing across the lake.
Ruth, Charlotte, and Easton Kelsey, 1908 Patricia Diel Arthur/Ruth Kelsey Diel Collection
Portrait of F. W. Kelsey Kelsey Museum Archives
Portrait of Isabelle Badger Kelsey Kelsey Museum Archives
Left to right: Portraits of Ruth Cornelia Kelsey, Charlotte Badger Kelsey, and Easton Trowbridge Kelsey Bentley Historical Library, Patricia Arthur/Ruth Kelsey Diel Collection
Kelsey family home at 826 Tappan St. Patricia Diel Arthur/Ruth Kelsey Diel Collection
Ruth Kelsey marries Fred Diel, July 15, 1920 Patricia Diel Arthur/Ruth Kelsey Diel Collection