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F. W. Kelsey acquired numerous Greek, South Italian, Cypriot, and Etruscan vases in 1923 from a noted German dealer, Paul Gottschalk. At the time of the purchase, the vases were on loan to the University of Marburg as a study collection.
Documents connected to the Marburg purchase offer a fascinating glimpse into the logistics of museum acquisitions in the early 20th century. The purchase of the Marburg vases involved a protracted negotiation. Kelsey originally offered $900 for the 130 objects (= about $10,800 today), mentioning that he would be willing to pay more should Gottschalk produce expert valuations. Gottschalk countered with two such valuations, writing to Kelsey: "the collection is an excellent one for your special purposes, because by covering many fields and periods, it gives an excellent idea of the development of antique art" (letter from Gottschalk to Kelsey, May 19, 1923). Ultimately, they settled on $1,200 (= about $14,400 today), corresponding to one of the expert estimates Gottschalk had obtained, plus the cost of shipping and handling and consular fees. Detailed catalogues of the vases were produced, some listing valuations, others giving the dimensions of the objects as well as a picture or drawing.
Ivan Cangemi
Storage box (lekanis) Clay, glaze and painted decoration, South Italian Greek Red Figure Ware Late Classical Period (4th century BC) Apulia, Italy. University of Marburg collection purchase 1923. KM 2611
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Black-figure amphora Clay with glazed decoration Archaic Period (late 6th–early 5th century BC) Italy. University of Marburg collection purchase 1923. KM 2600
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Drinking cup (chalice) Bucchero sottile, cylinder-impressed and incised decoration; stem and foot restored Orientalizing–Archaic Period (625–575 BC) Tarquinia(?), Italy. University of Marburg collection purchase 1923. KM 2590
Stirrup jar Clay Late Helladic III B (ca. 1300–1200 BC) University of Marburg collection purchase 1923. KM 2565
Pyxis with geometric decoration and birds Clay Late Geometric (ca. 750–700 BC) Athens(?), Greece. University of Marburg collection purchase 1923. KM 2569 a-b
Bell krater with dancing satyrs Clay, South Italian Greek (Paestum) red figure Attributed to the Pisticci Painter Classical Period (440–430 BC) Italy. University of Marburg collection purchase 1923. KM 2610
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Guttus Clay, South Italian (Calenian) black gloss Hellenistic Period (350–325 BC) Italy. University of Marburg collection purchase 1923. KM 2622
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