Selected Works by Francis Willey Kelsey

  1. 1881. "The Study of Latin in Collegiate Education." LFUR 2.6 (April): 54–56. Expanded and modified in Education 3.3 (January–February 1883): 260–70.
  2. 1881. "The Political Character and Aims of Julius Caesar." LFUR 2.9 (September): 95–96.
  3. 1882. Ed. Cicero, "De Senectute'"and "De Amicitia," with Introduction and Notes, by James S. Reid. Boston: John Allyn. 7th ed., 1896.
  4. 1883. Editorial. LFUR 3: 36, 69, 134.
  5. 1884. Ed. Lucretius, "De Rerum Natura," with an Introduction and Notes to Books I, III, and V. Boston: John Allyn. 6th ed., 1906.
  6. 1886. Ed. Caesar's "Gallic War," with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary. Boston: John Allyn. 7th ed., Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1895. 10th ed., 1899. 21st ed. 1927.
  7. 1889. Ed., with Andreas C. Zenos. Xenophon's "Anabasis," Books I–IV, with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 3rd ed., 1892.
  8. 1889. An Outline of Greek and Roman Mythology. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  9. 1890. "Outlines in Roman Archaeology and Life by Members of the Class in Horace, 1st Semester, 1889–1890." Ann Arbor: Register Press.
  10. 1891. Fifty Topics in Roman Antiquities, with References. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  11. 1891. Topical Outline of Latin Literature, with References. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  12. 1891. Ed. Selections from Ovid, with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  13. 1892. Ed. Select Orations and Letters of Cicero, with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  14. 1896. "The Presbyterian Church and the University of Michigan." Address before the Michigan Synod, Adrian, October 9, 1895. Published the next summer as a supplement to the Michigan Presbyterian (August 13).
  15. 1897. Ed. The Religious Census of the State Universities and of the Presbyterian Colleges in the Collegiate Year 1896–97. Ann Arbor: Wesleyan Guild of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
  16. 1899. Ed. and trans. Pompeii: Its Life and Art, by August Mau. New York: Macmillan, 1899. 2nd ed. 1902.
  17. 1906. "The State Universities and the Churches." In "Proceedings of the Conference on Religious Education," University of Illinois Bulletin 3.8, pt. 2 (January 8): 39–45.
  18. 1906. "The Cues of Caesar." Classical Journal 2.2 (December): 211–38.
  19. 1907. "Hirtius' Letter to Balbus and the Commentaries of Caesar." Classical Philology 2.1 (January): 92–93.
  20. 1908. "Codrus's Chiron and a Painting from Herculaneum." AJA 12 (January): 30–38.
  21. 1908. "Is There a Science of Classical Philology?" Classical Philology 3.4 (October): 369–85.
  22. 1908. "Greek in the High School, and the Question of the Supply of Candidates for the Ministry." School Review 16.9 (November): 561–79.
  23. 1910. With Arthur Fairbanks. "The Excavation of Cyrene." Classical Weekly 4.6 (November 5): 46–47.
  24. 1911. "The Tragedy at Cyrene." Bulletin of the AIA 2.3 (June): 111–14.
  25. 1911. Ed. Latin and Greek in American Education, with Symposia on the Value of Humanistic Studies. New York:Macmillan. 2nd ed., 1927.
  26. 1912. "Thirty-third Annual Report of the President of the Archaeological Institute of America." Bulletin of the AIA 3.4 (October): 191–201.
  27. 1913. "The Eighteenth Michigan Classical Conference." School Review 21.3 (March): 191–200.
  28. 1918. "The New Humanism." Art and Archaeology 7.1–2:14–29.
  29. 1918. C. Iulii Caesaris, Commentarii Rerum Gestarum; Caesar's Commentaries: The "Gallic War," Books I–IV, with selections from Books V–VII and from the "Civil War"; with an Introduction, Notes, a Companion to Caesar and a Vocabulary. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  30. 1918. "The Tomb of Virgil." Art and Archaeology 7.9:265–71.
  31. 1919. "Theodor Mommsen." Classical Journal 14.4: 224–36.
  32. 1923. "A Waxed Tablet of the Year 128 A.D." TAPA 54:187–95.
  33. 1925. "The Second Michigan Expedition to the Near East." Michigan Alumnus 31 (1925) 459.
  34. 1925. "A Picture Map of Rome in a Manuscript of Valerius Maximus." TAPA 56:242–51.
  35. 1925. Ed. and trans., with Arthur E. R. Boak, Henry Sanders, Jesse S. Reeves, and Herbert F.Wright. Hugo Grotius, "De Jure Belli ac Pacis," Libri Tres [1646]. Oxford: Clarendon.
  36. 1926. "Carthage, Ancient and Modern." Art and Archaeology 21.2 (February): 55–67.
  37. 1926. Excavations at Carthage, 1925: A Preliminary Report. New York:Macmillan.
  38. 1927. "Fouilles américaines à Kom Ousim (Fayoum)." Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 81–90.