The Art and Science of Healing: From Antiquity to the Renaissance

The Art and Science of Healing: From Antiquity to the RenaissanceThe Art and Science of Healing: From Antiquity to the Renaissance



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Rhazes (865–925) [Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā al-Rāzī] Liber ad Almansorem sive Tractatus medicinae I-X; Tabula de herbis medicis; Maimonides: Aphorismi; Mesue (the elder): Aphorismi; Hippocrates: Secreta; Prognosticatio secundum lunam; Capsula eburnea; De humana natura; De aere et aqua et regionibus; De pharmaciis; De insomniis; Avenzohar: De cura lapidis [Venice]: Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 7 Oct. 1497 The Le Roy Crummer Collection