Marriage ContractsMarriage Contract [Copy of a draft] from the [bank of ....] [Year] 7 of Imperator [Caesar Titus] Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus [Augustus Pius], Hathyr 7. Chairemonis [daughter of ... granddaughter of] Sokrates with, as guardian, [her relative] Sarapion son of Seuthes to Pasion [son of ...]: [it is acknowledged] that he has received from Chairemonis a dowry upon herself of forty silver drachmai [and] a white tunic worth twenty drachmai. And they will live together with each other, Pasion supplying her with all that is necessary and with clothing as befits a married woman in proportion to his means; and when a separation takes place, Pasion will return to Chairemonis the aforementioned dowry and the tunic in the same valuation.