
The following bibliographies are exerpted from: Gazda, E., ed. 2000.  The Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii: Ancient Ritual, Modern Muse, Ann Arbor.

A select bibliography on the modern art included in the exhibition:

Ackerman, G. M. 1992. "Hercules, Ever at the Crossroads: Moral Dilemmas in the Paintings of Wes Christensen." SULFUR 30, A Literary Bi-annual of the Whole Art (Spring).
Bruno, V. J. 1993. "Mark Rothko and the Second Style: The Art of the Color-Field in Roman Murals." In Eius Virtutis Studiosi: Classical and Postclassical Studies in Memory of Frank Edward Brown (1908-1988), edited by R. T. Scott and A. R. Scott, 235-55. Studies in the History of Art 43. Hanover and London.
Cannistraro, P. V. 1989. "Fascism and Culture in Italy, 1919-1945." In Italian Art in the 20th Century: Painting and Sculpture 1900-1988, edited by E. Braun, 147-54. Munich.
Hall, N. 1999. "Woman Lost and Woman Found: Images of an Ancient Passage." In The Mysteries: Patricia Olson, 18 Septemberó27 October, 1999, The Catherine G. Murphy Gallery, The College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2-5. St. Paul, MN.
Khan, S. 1999. "Midlife in the Villa of the Mysteries" Power Trips: The Travel Guide to Mother Earthís Sacred Places 10(Dec/Jan): 10-3.
Laurence, M. 1988. "Wes Christensen: Compressed Narratives." Visions Magazine 2(3).
Margarucci Italiani, B. M. 1978. "Maria Barosso: Archeologa e pittrice di Roma." In Donne di ieri a Roma e nel Lazio, 315-46. Lunario Romano 7. Rome.
Nygren, E. J. 1999. "Ruth Weisbergís Canto V: A Whirlwind of Lovers." In Ruth Weisburg: Canto V: A Whirlwind of Lovers, The Virginia Steele Scott Gallery, The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardins, San Marino California, November 17, 1999óJanuary 30, 2000, 7-18. San Marino, CA.
Olson, P. 1999 "The Mysteries." In The Mysteries: Patricia Olson, 18 Septemberó27 October, 1999, The Catherine G. Murphy Gallery, The College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, 6-21. St. Paul, MN.
Saxon, C. 1986 "A Classicistís View." In Sarah Swenson: Rites. Lang Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, California, August 31 ó October 20, 1986, 3-4. Claremont, CA.
Swenson, S. 1986. "A Painterís Mystery." In Sarah Swenson: Rites. Lang Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, California, August 31 ó October 20, 1986, 2. Claremont, CA.

A select bibliography on the Villa of the Mysteries and Dionysiac cult:

Alexander, C. 1933. "Abstract of the Articles on the Bacchic Inscription in the Metropolitan Museum." AJA 37: 264-70.
Beard, Mary, J. A. North, and S. R. F. Price. 1998. Religions of Rome. 2 vols. Cambridge.
Bendinelli, G. 1968. "Ultime considerazioni intorno alla villa pompeiana detta dei misteri." Latomus 27: 823-31.
Benvenuto, B. 1994. Concerning the rites of psychoanalysis, or, The villa of the mysteries. Cambridge.
Berti, F., ed. 1991. Dionysos: mito e mistero: atti del Convegno internazionale, Comacchio, 3-5 novembre 1989. Ferrara.
Bieber, M. 1928. "Der Mysteriensaal der Villa Item." JdI 43: 298-330.
Bonfante, L. 1993. "Fufluns Pacha: The Etruscan Dionysus." In Masks of Dionysus, edited by T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone, 221-35. Ithaca.
Boyancé, P. 1960-1. "Líantre dans les mystères de Dionysos." RendPontAcc 33: 107-27.
Boyancé, P. 1965-6. "Dionysos et Semele." RendPontAcc 38: 79-104.
Boyancé, P. 1966a. "Dionysiaca, a propos díune ètude recent sur líinitiation dionysiaque." RÉA 68: 30-60.
Boyancé, P. 1966b. "Ménè-Hékate à la Villa des Mystères." RACrist 42: 57-71.
Bradway, K. 1982. ëVilla of Mysteriesí: Pompeian Initiation Rites of Women. San Francisco.
Brendel, O. J. 1980. "The Great Frieze in the Villa of the Mysteries." In The Visible Idea: Interpretations of Classical Art, edited by O. J. Brendel, translated by M. Brendel, 90-138. Washington D.C.
Bruhl, A. 1953. Liber Pater: Origine et expansion du culte dionysiaque à Rome et dans le monde romain. BÉFAR 175. Paris.
Burkert, W. 1987. Ancient Mystery Cults. Cambridge, MA.
Burkert, W. 1993. "Bacchic Teletai in the Hellenistic Age." In Masks of Dionysus, edited by T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone, 259-75. Ithaca
Carpenter, T. H. 1993. "On the Beardless Dionysus." In Masks of Dionysus, edited by T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone, 185-207. Ithaca.
Carpenter, T. H., and C. A. Faraone, eds. 1993. Masks of Dionysus, Myth and Poetics. Ithaca.
Caskey, D. L. 1938. "Pompeian Frescoes." Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts 38: 9-16.
Charles, M.-O. 1998. "Les cultes prives en Italie au 1er siecle de notre ere: Líexemple de Pompei et díHerculanum." Ph.D. diss., Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.
Cole, S. G. 1980. "New Evidence for the Mysteries of Dionysos." GRBS 21: 223-38.
Cole, S. G. 1993. "Voices from beyond the Grave: Dionysus and the Dead." In Masks of Dionysus, edited by T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone, 276-95. Ithaca.
Comparetti, D. 1921. Le nozze di Bacco ed Arianna: Rappresentazione pittorica spettacolosa nel triclinio di una villa suburbana di Pompei. Florence.
Cumont, F. 1933. "La grande inscription bachique du Metropolitan Museum." AJA 37: 232-63.
De Cazanove, O. 1986. "Le thiase et son double: Images, statuts, fonctions du cortège divin de dionysos en Italie centrale." In L'association dionysiaque dans les sociétés anciennes, 177-97. CÉFR 89. Rome.
De Petra, G. 1910. "Villa Romana Presso Pompei." NSc: 139-45.
Dumézil, G. 1970. Archaic Roman religion, with an appendix on the religion of the Etruscans. Chicago.
Durand, J. L., and F. Frontisi-Ducroux. 1982. "Idoles, Figures, Images: Autour de Dionysos." RA: 83-108.
Foucher, L. 1981. "Le cult de Bacchus sous líempire romain." ANRW 2.17.2: 684-702.
Gazda, E. K. 1995. "Roman Sculpture and the Ethos of Emulation: Reconsidering Repetition." HSCP 97: 121-56.
Geyer, A. 1977. Das Problem des Realitätsbezuges in der dionysischen Bildkunst der Kaiserzeit. Beiträge zur Archäologie 10. Würzburg.
Gorgon, R. 1979. "The Real and the Imaginary: Production and Religion in the Greco-Roman World." Art History 2: 5-34.
Grant, M., and W. Forman. 1971. Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneum. London.
Grieco, G. 1979. "La grande frise de la Villa des Mystères et líinitiation dionysiaque." PP 34: 417-41.
Gruen, E. S. 1990b. "The Bacchanalian Affair." In Studies in Greek culture and Roman policy, edited by E. S. Gruen, 34-78. Cincinnati classical studies new ser., 7. Leiden.
Guzzo, P. G. 1997. "Ritrovamenti in contesti non cultuali: Pompei." In Iside, il mito, il mistero, la magia, edited by E. A. Arslan, 344-7. Milan.
Hartwig, P. 1910. Weiner Neue Freie Presse. No. 16436 (May 27).
Henderson, J. 1996. "Footnote: Representation in the Villa of the Mysteries." In Art and Text in Roman Culture, edited by J. Elsner, 234-76. Cambridge.
Henrichs, A. 1979. "Greek and Roman Glimpses of Dionysos." In Dionysos and His Circle: Ancient Through Modern, edited by C. Houser, 1-11. Cambridge, MA.
Henrichs, A. 1982. "Changing Dionysiac Identities." In Jewish and Christian Self-Definition. Vol. 3, Self-definition in the Greco-Roman world, edited by B. F. Meyer and E. P. Sanders, 137-60, 213-36. London.
Henrichs, A. 1993. "íHe has a God in Himí: Human and Divine in the Modern Perception of Dionysus." In Masks of Dionysus, edited by T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone. 13-43. Ithaca.
Herbig, R. 1958. Neue Beobachtungen am Fries der Mysterien-Villa in Pompeji: Ein Beitrag zur römischen Wandmalerei in Campanien. Deutsche Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft 10. Baden-Baden.
Hoffman, R. J. 1989. "Ritual License and the Cult of Dionysos." Athenaeum 67: 91-115.
Horn, H. G. 1972. Mysteriensymbolik auf dem Kölner Dionysosmosaik. Bonn.
Houser, C. 1979. Dionysos and his circle: Ancient through modern. Cambridge, MA.
Houtzager, J. 1963. De grote wandschildering in de Villa dei Misteri bij Pompeii en haar verhouding tot de monumenten der vroegere kunst. Leiden.
Jahannowsky, W., et al. 1986. Le Ville romane dellíetà imperiale. Itinerari turistico culturali in Campania 3. Naples.
Jameson, M. 1993. "The Asexuality of Dionysus." In Masks of Dionysus, edited by T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone, 44-64. Ithaca.
Jashemski, W. M. F., and S. A. Jashemski. 1979-93. The gardens of Pompeii: Herculaneum and the villas destroyed by Vesuvius. 2 vols. New Rochelle, NY.
Kerényi, C. 1976. Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life. Translated by R. Manheim. Princeton.
Kraemer, R. S. 1979. "Ecstasy and Possession: The attraction of women to the cult of Dionysos." HTR 72: 55-80.
La Follette, L. 1994. "The Costume of the Roman Bride." In The World of Roman Costume, edited by L. Sebesta and L. Bonfante, 54-64. Madison, WI.
Laurence, R. 1994. Roman Pompeii: Space and Society. London.
Laurence, R., and A. Wallace-Hadrill, eds. 1997. Domestic space in the Roman world: Pompeii and beyond. JRS Suppl. 22. Portsmouth, RI.
Lehmann, K. 1962. "Ignorance and Search in the Villa of the Mysteries." JRS 52: 62-8.
Ling, R. 1991. Roman painting. Cambridge.
Little, A. 1963a. "A Series of Notes in Four Parts on Campanian Megalography. A, B. The Composition of the Villa Item Painting." AJA 67: 191-4, 291 - 4.
Little, A. 1964a. "A Series of Notes in Four Parts on Campanian Megalography. C. The Boscoreale Cycle." AJA 68: 62-6.
Little, A. 1964b. "A Series of Notes in Four Parts on Campanian Megalography. D. The Homeric House Cycle and the Herculaneum Megalography." AJA 68: 390-5.
Little, A. 1972. A Roman Bridal Drama in the Villa of the Mysteries. Kennebunk, ME.
Maiuri, A. 1931. La villa dei misteri. Rome. 2nd ed. 1947. 3rd ed 1960.
Maiuri, A. 1931. Pompeii, i nuovi scavi e la villa dei misteri, líAntiquarium. Itinerari dei musei e monumenti díItalia 3. Rome. 3rd ed 1937
Maiuri, A. 1948. "Note e commenti al dipinto della Villa dei Misteri." PP 3: 185-211.
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Mau, A. 1902. Pompeii: Its Life and Art. Translated by F. Kelsey. 2nd ed. New York.
Méautis, G. 1945. "La Composition de la Peinture de la 'Villa des Mystères' à Pompéi." Museum Helveticum 2: 259-62.
Merkelbach, R. 1988. Die Hirten des Dionysos: die Dionysos-Mysterien der römischen Kaiserzeit und der bukolische Roman des Longus. Stuttgart.
Metzger, B. M. 1984. "A Classified Bibliography of the Graeco-Roman Mystery Religions 1924-1973 with a Supplement 1974-1977." ANRW 2.17.3: 1259-423.
Meyer, M. W. 1987. The Ancient mysteries: A sourcebook: Sacred texts of the mystery religions of the ancient Mediterranean world. San Francisco.
Mudie Cooke, P. B. 1913. "The Paintings of the Villa Item at Pompeii." JRS 3: 157-74.
Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli. 1986-9. Le collezioni del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. 2 vols. Rome.
Nilsson, M. P. 1953. "The Bacchic Mysteries of the Roman Age." HTR 46: 175-202.
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North, J. A. 1979. "Religious Toleration in Republican Rome." PCPS 205: 85-103.
Obbink, D. 1993. "Dionysus Poured Out: ancient and modern theories of sacrifice and cultural formation." In Masks of Dionysus, edited by T. H. Carpenter and C. A. Faraone, 65-89. Ithaca.
Orr, D. G. 1972. "Roman Domestic Religion: A study of the Roman household deities and their shrines at Pompeii and Herculaneum." Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland.
Pailler, J.-M. 1984. "Lieu sacré et lien associatif dans le dionysisme romain de la République." In L'association dionysiaque dans les sociétés anciennes, 261-73. CÉFR 89. Rome.
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Pairault, J.-M. 1987. "En quel sens parler de la romanisation du culte de Dionysos en Etrurie." MÉFRA 99: 573-94.
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