Fishy Matters
Fish were 'fishy' in the ancient world. While fish and fish-products provided a necessary relish to the heavily grain-based ancient diet, they were also perceived as having dangerous habits - a willingness to eat people for example...

KM 1084

Red-figure fish plate
Late 4th century BC
Campania, Italy

KM 88674

Bread Stamp with fish
Coptic or late Antique (ca. 500 AD)
Askren, Egypt

KM 88675

Bread Stamp with fish
Coptic or late Antique (ca. 500 AD)
Askren, Egypt

KM 81.4.30

Bronze Fish
Late Saite Period, ca. 600 BC

KM 65.3.135

Head of Fish, glass inlay fragment
1st BC-1st AD

KM 2725

Dolphins painted on wall plaster
2nd-early 3rd AD
Probably from the Bay of Naples, Italy

KM 2849

Pottery fragment with fish
2nd-early 3rd AD
Probably from the Bay of Naples, Italy

KM 87129

Bronze Head of Fish
Gaza, Israel

KM 69.2.76

Pottery fragment with painted fish
Coptic or early Islamic 5th-9th AD

KM 71.1.20

Water Filter
10th-12th century AD