Piazza di Termini: Recent History

In the first competition for a monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, the location of which was not specified, many submissions, including the winning design by the French architect Henri-Paul Nenot, expressed a quite opportune preference for the area of the exedra (figs. 9-11: The "Father of His Country" design; the Pieroni plan, Nenot's design, by Massagrande). In the second competition (1882), however, the site chosen was between the Piazza di Venezia and the Capitoline, at the end of the Corso.

The Jesuit Massimiliano Massimo, a member of the last family to own the Villa Peretti, erected a building designed by the architect Camillo Pistrucci (figs. 12-14: Archivio Capitolino) to house the college named after him and to replace the Palazzo "di Termini," which was subsequently demolished (fig. 15: AFC photograph; fig. 16: from a postcard).

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