Jim Cogswell: Cosmogonic Tattoos

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Interior Views

My installation creates visual and kinetic links between the windows and the objects on display just inside them, beautifully evoked in the installation photographs by Patrick Young, Michigan Imaging. It leads visitors in their passage through the collection as well as along the outside of the building. It accounts for the sight lines of viewers and is concerned as much with framing views into and out of the windows as with drawing attention to the designs themselves. Images on the windows echo objects on display nearby as if treasured holdings had leached onto the exterior glass, and physical artifacts themselves have been choreographed to participate in its narrative. From inside, it forms a shimmering backdrop to the exhibition halls and interior spaces. Shades, when closed, transform elements on the glass into hovering shadows for visitors within, hinting at the fragmentary nature of historical memory and the imagination by which we narrate it to ourselves.